I’ve been quiet for a little while and I’m coming back today with a bit more of a serious one!

Article: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/world/parents-of-missing-british-girl-madeleine-mccann-sign-book-deal/story-e6frf7lf-1225953896678

Quick run down: The parents of missing British child Madeleine McCann have signed a book deal to tell their story in order to help fund the continuing search for their daughter.

I have had issues with the McCann’s ever since I heard about their child’s disappearance. At first I heard the story and thought gee how awful, it’s every parents nightmare to have a child snatched whilst on holidays in a foreign country.

Then I learnt more details and the worst detail of all. These parents left three children alone in an unlocked room after 9pm at night whilst they dined with their friends in Portugal. They did this even though the resort had a crèche and a babysitting service available. It makes me sick that people around the world have donated money to these people in an effort to find their daughter. What kind of parents leave kids alone in a room in a foreign country like Portugal. As far as I can understand from what I’ve read the door wasn’t just unlocked IT WAS WIDE OPEN.

To put it simply, this is not okay in anyway and after reading that detail I lost absolutely any sympathy for them because it became clear to me that they were more concerned with getting pissed with their friends as opposed to the safety of their children. If you take your kids on a family holiday then you accept the terms of a family holiday and understand that you can’t frolic around without your children. If they wanted to spend time away from their kids they could have done that in UK, hired a babysitter, gotten friends/parents to look after their kids whilst they went away. If you are going to take them on holidays with you they should be your number 1 priority.

I’m ashamed that someone like J.K Rowling donated a very large sum to their fund even after knowing these details.

It seems strange to me that Madeline was in the room with two other children and yet she was the only one snatched. The twins were younger than her after all….if you are wanting a brand new child to snatch wouldn’t the younger one’s be more preferable?

The whole thing doesn’t sit right with me especially the way her parents have acted. And now, the newest headline, they are writing a book. They are claiming that all proceeds will go to the fund for Madeline’s search which has apparently been decreasing quite heavily since 2007.

The parents are claiming that every dollar will go towards these funds however the article states:

“The deal is understood to include a “substantial” advance and “enhanced royalties,” a source told the Daily Mail.”

Why would they need such a big advance? What exactly is this money going to I want to know? When a child goes missing and they pretty much have no leads what does this money pay for? Do these people still work full time or is this funding also paying for their salaries?

A quick look at their website shows lots of desperate pleas about the police not being helpful to their search and explaining how donating money will help their cause.

I have no right to judge these people, I can’t imagine the situation they are in. But, if someone leaves their kids alone to go and get pissed with their friends whilst on holidays in Portugal I guess I find it very hard to believe that the millions of dollars they are receiving are going towards a good cause.

Just a thought.


Yes that’s right, the super lazy blogger is back!

Article one: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/lifestyle/the-other-side/exposure-to-chemical-tbt-causes-female-snails-to-grow-penises-on-heads/story-e6frfhk6-1225917600095

Quick run down: after being exposed to a certain chemical, female snails are starting to grow penises……..on their heads……

Yikes, if this isn’t every females nightmare!

So apparently garden snails are hermaphrodites, something new that I’ve learned today, how joyful. But these special snails that live off the coast of Perth are actually defined as male or female (yay for them). However, this special chemical called TBT has made penises magically sprout from the females heads.

So they aren’t just sprouting penises, they are officially turning into dickhead snails. How traumatic!

But this isn’t just funny, it’s a bad thing apparently. Growing the penises means they can’t procreate, which means less dickhead snails…..very sad.

Being a human the idea of this happening to us makes me want to hide in my room. I guess I just don’t understand, if a penis is growing on your head, does that mean it can then procreate, does it eject…..stuff that makes babies….?? lol. I guess I don’t really know much about snail sex/procreation. It must get really confusing for the hermaphrodite snails……although that must mean they get to take it in turns!

Maybe one day when I’m bored I’ll research this more and get back to you. For now, onto the next article!

 PS after staring at that picture of a snail for a while (and a few others) I can’t help but think….well they kind of already look like they have penises on their heads……would another one really stand out?!

Article two: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/lifestyle/the-other-side/love-handles-save-shot-woman-samantha-lynn-frazier/story-e6frfhk6-1225923330738

Quick run down: A woman who was unexpectedly shot was apparently ‘saved’ by her love handles.

Well here’s an ad to continue promoting that being curvy is a good thing! Whoo hoo! If someone is about to shoot you, stick your hip in their face and hope for that best!

Whilst I love that this woman was saved by her love handles there’s a few confusing things in this article. They never explain why on earth she was shot! It says she was on vacation blah blah and passed out after she realised she was shot….umm… who the hell shot her?! Maybe they aimed at her love handles for a reason? It’s funny how in articles like this the love handles aspect becomes more important than a random woman being shot outside a bar. Is this really such a common occurrence in the States? Someone gets shot here and people start to freak out, it’s not quite that easy to get a gun here. Or maybe that’s possible my naivety. Either way I think some very important information was left out.

Anyway my point is, just because this article appears in the ‘Weird News’ section of the Herald Sun Online it doesn’t mean it’s not important to know why she got shot.

It amuses me that this woman is quoted as saying she used to think she needed to lose weight and now she doesn’t care…..I wonder if those love handles have slightly gone up in size since the incident……Good for her I say!

Article three: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/lifestyle/the-other-side/man-caught-drink-driving-on-lawn-mower/story-e6frfhk6-1225927178431 and http://www.recordonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100920/NEWS/100929995

Quick run down: In a feeble attempt to not be caught drink driving, a man decided to drive his lawn mower down to the shops to buy some more beer.

Oh my, gotta love these guys. His smart idea turned out to not be so smart when the police found him passed out on the mower. Next time maybe DON’T drink so much before getting on any sort of vehicle? I suppose that would be too logical. God forbid anyone who has had a few too many would WALK to get more alcohol. No no, that would just be absolutely absurd.

And of course, his licence had been suspended before this incident due to drink driving.

I don’t deny that strange ideas seem quite smart when you’ve been drinking a bit. But really, did this guy REALLY think that no one would notice he was driving a mower? The best part is, he’d already gotten to the store and bought the beer, it was on his way home that he passed out. Now that’s justice.

Oh and another point…it was 7pm when they found him, not midnight or 3am, 7pm…..dinnertime. If you are hammered and riding a lawn mower up the road at 7pm, I think you may need to rexamine the important things in life.

There there Mr. Sullivan, you can enjoy your beer whilst slumped on the couch, police are less likely to arrest you that way.

Just a thought 😛



Okay – I bring you some weird and wacky stories today!

Article one: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/lifestyle/the-other-side/man-replaces-ex-girlfriend-with-custom-made-sex-doll/story-e6frfhk6-1225912671577

Quick run down: A man has paid $18,000 for a sex doll to be made – one that is the exact replica of his ex-girlfriend.

Oh my….

Apparently he is so hung up on his ex-girlfriend he went to extremes to get this doll made. However, he chose to upgrade two parts of her; larger boobs and a curvier backside. Surprise surprise.

Not only does she look the same, she weighs 58kg and the uh ‘parts’ all work like a humans. Apparently these dolls usually cost up to $5,000 but this one ended up being a whopping $18,000 because he wanted everything to be exactly the same as his ex. Down to the teeth and her nails.

The extremes that some men go to amaze me. God forbid he just go out and find some drunken women in a bar to have sex with. Then he could get an actual human for the price of a couple of girly alcoholic beverages. A lot cheaper. Less waiting too.

I can guess what his defence must be. This doll has all the good parts of his girlfriend without the talking; every man’s dream I suppose.

What a sad day it is when men can replace their ex-girlfriend’s with doll’s. However, this doll will never be able to kiss him back or give back anything else in the bedroom for that matter. How is that a satisfying sexual experience? Not to mention that fact that he would constantly be needing to clean the doll. Ick. That’s no way to live your life!

But in the end, this guy isn’t cheap. These dolls are Italian custom made. Obsessed much?

Article two: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/lifestyle/the-other-side/doctor-stuck-in-chimney-dies/story-e6frfhk6-1225912604947

Quick run down: A woman, who is also a doctor, climbed into her boyfriend’s chimney and somehow got stuck and ended up dying.

As far as I can gather from the article she was dating this guy, something had obviously gone wrong because she had tried to get into the house in other ways (not knowing that he’d already left to avoid an altercation) and apparently it seemed logical to her to slip down the chimney. After all, Santa the fictional happy fat man can manage it, why not her?

The fact that this woman was a doctor, but still thought it was a good idea to try and get into this house via a chimney makes me worried for the sanity of some doctors. If a guy doesn’t want you in his house you don’t rock up in his fireplace covered in ash. That isn’t gonna win his heart!

The poor woman was left there to die for days before anyone noticed. She sure gave that guy a hard time in the end, probably not in the way she’d originally intended….awkward……

It surprises me that anyone would actually attempt a chimney climb, chimney’s scare the hell out of me. It’s a very confined space. Surely you’d look down and say, ‘ugh yes, don’t quite think a human can slid down that narrow space’.

Or maybe that all seemed just a bit too logical for angry doctor on a rampage to get into her ‘kind of’ boyfriend’s house.

Well, I suppose he got the easy way out. His fireplace certainly wouldn’t smell too good though……….ick………..

That is all.



Just a quick one!

Article: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/lifestyle/the-other-side/naked-fist-fight-shocks-cafe-patrons/story-e6frfhk6-1225907125518

Quick run down: Two women in Darwin started having a fist fight over a man – one of them decided to take all her clothes off…….in public.

Hmmmm…… one must pose the question, how does stripping all your clothes off during a fist fight help you win said fight?

So as the article states they were fighting over a man. Fair enough, these things happen. Some women are incredibly feisty when it comes to men! But really, do you have to have your brawl in front of so many people in broad daylight? If attention is what you were seeking then bravo, you got it ladies.

As for the nakedness…….. why? That’s all, why? If someone is throwing fists in your face that last thing you want is to bare your flesh so she can cause you even more damage! Unless she thought that revealing her naked body would somehow prove that she was the better woman because she had a better body? Was that the logic going on in her head? Either that or she was drunk or high, the article says they couldn’t ascertain whether she was drunk or not. I’m thinking it’s highly likely, people love taking their clothes off when drunk…..especially in public.

It says that she had the other one on the ground (whilst naked) was this perhaps turning into a somewhat sexual fight? Hence why she felt the need to take off all her clothes. “Hey, we are dating the same man….. you b*tch…. actually that’s kind of hot, excuse me for a moment whilst I remove all my clothes and get on top of you in public.” That would definitely explain why she apparently then laid down on the ground, still completely naked, and started smoking a cigarette. She was spent.

Reading articles like this definitely remind me how crazy some women are and how willing they are to put their lives on display. It reminds me of the days when I used to watch Jerry Springer and the fat black women screaming on the show pretty much always decided to flash something to the audience to prove how good they were. What a classic show that was.

In the end, this guy they are fighting for can’t be that good. Everyone knows that when two women are fighting over a man and one of them somehow ends up naked he would be in the front row with his camera out.

Just a thought.



A harsh blog on sports stars 😛 You know you love it!

Article: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/world/english-ricket-star-drove-drunk-to-rescue-cat/story-e6frf7lf-1225906180187

Quick run down: An English cricketer (number 3 test bowler in the world apparently) was caught drunk driving to a supermarket in order to save his cat.

Basically when he came home drunk from a night out he found his cat stuck under some floorboards and decided to jump in his flash Porsche and head on down to the local supermarket to pick up a screw driver.

Apparently the reason he was pulled over was because he was driving a ‘high performance car’ in a area where lots of burglaries happened.

Ahhh professional sports players, how I loathe your stupidity. I suppose in his mind it seemed logical to get into his car (when under the influence of alcohol) and drive someone to ‘save’ his cat. However, I must admit I find it surprising that a man who lives by himself does not have a SINGLE screwdriver in the house. Not one.

There’s a few things he could have done before driving drunk. Surely there must have been some other object in the house he could have used to pry up the floorboards if he was that desperate to save his cat. If his cat managed to get under there in the first place surely there was some sort of hole he could have penetrated with another kind of object. This may sound very simple as I’m not a handy man myself. But anyway, to avoid driving drunk should have been thought out first.

It’s just a cat. Maybe it climbed under the floorboards to keep warm? He does live in Nottingham after all. Or surely there is a next door neighbour who would have a screwdriver handy – sure it’s 3am but if he really considered it to be enough of an emergency that he had to buy a screwdriver immediately he could have also attempted this first.

My other thought is the cat obviously wanted to be under the floorboards if it dug itself in there in the first place. Surely it would have been safe there until the morning until he was able to get up and drive sober? Is that an awful thing to say? I suppose the article wasn’t very descriptive about HOW the cat go under the floorboards and if it was actually in some sort of danger.

For that matter why not walk to the supermarket? He must be fit if he’s a cricketer, well reasonably anyway. He could even jog?

In the end, he simply did not think before he got behind the wheel. Yes, being worried about the cat is hard, it’s obviously his companion. But think man THINK before driving a highly expensive car under the influence.

My point is professional sportsman always irk me because they think they are immune from being a normal person. Why is it I am constantly seeing their faces all over the news because they’ve been caught taking drugs, drink driving, or allegedly doing awful things to women? The simple answer is….. they think they are god. They are skilled in throwing balls and smacking other guys on the butt so why shouldn’t they be immune from the law?

This story isn’t even that bad compared to what some AFL Player’s do. But it highlights my point in a small way.

Why is it that when what this guy considers to be in a dire situation he can’t think of some other way to help his cat other than breaking the law?

Just a thought. 



There’s been a lack on interesting articles this past week – well one’s that made me want to type furiously – but here’s some interesting one’s!

Article one: http://www.theage.com.au/lifestyle/lifematters/its-not-a-shoe-fetish-its-natural-selection-20100809-11u1z.html

Quick run down: Apparently ovulating and buying shoes are linked. Women are more likely to buy shoes when they are ‘fertile’ and more likely to buy skanky clothes when they see other attractive woman.

Oh joy…..more research that is linked to women’s hormones.

I have a few diatribes with this article.

First of all I’d like to say……. DUH!!!!!!! We all know that women do a lot of different things at different times of the month because of their hormones. And it’s no shock to me that women buy their clothes, or wear more revealing clothes based on what OTHER women are wearing. That’s not a secret. Every woman knows that most of the time it is the other women that will notice was she is wearing, not the men. Men will only notice your boobs coming out of the top/dress, they won’t notice the ACTUAL top/dress. They probably can’t even tell you what colour it was if it was particularly revealing!

Secondly, it amazes me that there are researcher’s out there wasting their time researching this – who cares if hormones are linked to shopping? Unless the retail stores are requesting the research themselves, but how can they really tell if a woman is ovulating or not. It’s not exactly polite to ask a customer about their cycle when they walk into a clothing store 😛

I suppose EVERYTHING is blamed on hormones. I’m not going to go on and on about this because I’m sure most men have stopped reading this by now (or won’t read it due to the title!) But being a woman, it is very easy for people to say ‘well she’s hormonal’ – if it’s not ‘that’ time of the month then you can blame it on ovulation or just being horny. Men are horny ALL the time, maybe that’s the reason they do a lot of things.

Our cycle’s are more complicated so apparently they need to be constantly researched. Hopefully researcher’s will get bored of it eventually. Or retail stores will find some way to test where a woman is in their cycle and know whether to pounce on them or not 😛

Moving on!

Article two: http://www.theage.com.au/lifestyle/wellbeing/why-sienna-miller-and-other-women-dont-get-fat-20100809-11s5o.html

Quick run down: This is a very long article about whether or not some women simply don’t get fat no matter what they eat.

The article is quite long but I just want to say a few points on this.

It talks about extremely slim celebrities like Sienna Miller going on and on about how they binge on junk food but still stay thin.

GET REAL B*TCHES!!!!!!!!!!

I’m inclined to not believe a single word that comes out of a celebrities mouth, they are after all a product in themselves. If Sienna Miller really does eat all those burgers, I’m sure she spends 8 hours on personal training the next day. Celebrities like that are always trying to appear ‘normal’ and what’s more normal than eating what you want but still being ‘naturally thin’? It’s what every girl wishes for.

I find it very hard to believe that this actually exists. I don’t deny that some women are naturally smaller than others but come on, if their diet consisted of McDonald’s every single day they would end up fat. No one is immune from fat caused by fatty foods.

In the end, celebrities would love you to think that they flounce about eating what they want – but they can afford a personal trainer on staff every single day. The average person can’t afford that!

Just a thought.



A slightly different angle today – not really a funny one but one to get angry about!


Quick run down: To quote the article “Quit moaning about your lack of me-time and unread novels, says Jacinta Tynan. This motherhood thing is all a bit of a lark.”

Ummm…. excuse me???

First of all I need to state I am only 22-years-old, I definitely do not have a child and won’t for some time. BUT – I am a woman and I definitely have an opinion on this article.

I’ll start off by saying I understand some of the points Ms Tynan makes in her article. She says that the love she has  for her child makes her feel like the task she undertakes for it are not so hard. Granted, I get that, I understand a child can change a person and once those maternal instincts kick in those things may seem quite easy.

However, she does mention that she does have an easy child (right near the end) and she also mentions that she hasn’t suffered post-natal depression.

Ummm….. lucky you?

Shouldn’t you be down on your knees saying ‘you are so amazing’ to the women who HAVE had to go through difficult children, awful childbirths and depression? Well I guess not because you can’t understand what that would be like what with your easy child and all.

Childbirth and motherhood are completely different situations for every single woman. We are all unique and individual – why wouldn’t motherhood also be? Therefore, how dare you sit back and gloat about your amazing kid and pretty much tell all these women that they are pretty pathetic if they think motherhood is hard and they obviously don’t love their child as much as you do. I’m sorry but that’s pretty much what you are saying.

What really irks me about this article is that she says that having a child isn’t hard – then she mentions a few things that are including going through cancer. Well done lady – way to point out the obvious. How can someone who hasn’t experienced hardships in life actually sit back and suggest she knows what is hard in life and that motherhood can be scratched from the list?

Gotta love this quoteBabies don’t cry to annoy us. They cry because they are hungry or tired and we are here to solve that.” Gee, I guess every mother out there is so stupid she assumes that her child is crying just to upset her. WAKE UP LADY, snaps for having a child that doesn’t cry through the night constantly, but sit back and remember that there are women out there who DO have to go through that situation.

May I also just point out that this lady is a part time author and a news presenter for Sky News – can anyone say Nanny? (and she’s be on a decent salary – try raising a kid when you have no job!)

I may be far off the age of having kids but it certainly gets me in a rage that one woman can assume that she understands every woman’s experience when it comes to having a child.

This is what I like to call self-centered journalism. Full of praise for herself.

It saddens me that these are the kinds of people who are telling us the news – people who are happy to gloat about how amazing their personal lives are. Since when was that news?

Just a thought. I need to go find a punching bag.



Today’s article will most likely only be relevant and funny to Australian’s!


Quick run down: The title claims that Humphrey B Bear (famous children’s entertainer that doesn’t wear pants) has used the F word in front of children.

This story needs to be split into two sections, because there is the REAL story and there is the story they are using to make is seem like a funny story.

The real story is that an angry parent started swearing at a Primary School Assistant Principal, he pushed him and accused him of being a bully to his 10-year-old daughter. He did this in front of many parents and other children and apparently kept ‘poking’ him in the chest. And it has landed him in court.

The story the papers are spinning is that Humphrey B Bear called the principal an ‘f-ing bully’. And you know why? Coz this guy PLAYED Humphrey B Bear in the late 70’s to early 80’s. That’s right he was the happy (and possibly drunk) man in the bear suit running around with no pants on hugging children and giving them happy kisses. So basically he hasn’t played Humphrey since before I was born but apparently that plays a huge part in his court case.

His lawyer has claimed ‘it puts a face on him’ and it’s important they know that he used to play Humphrey however, he doesn’t want people to know.

I’m sure it fills all our hearts with joy that our favourite loveable bear was played by a foul mouthed man. If anything it puts him in a worse light if you ask me. Not as helpful for his case as you might think Mrs. Lawyer.

Anyway I just couldn’t help touching this one – you’ve gotta love the way the Herald Sun (and the Moorabbin Leader) imply that it was Humphrey himself that yelled at the teacher. I guess they were dying to put it in the wacky news section instead of a straight news story of a parent assaulting at a principal – how boring that would be……..

Lastly I’d just like to point out that Humphrey B Bear himself actually CAN’T talk…… I’m feeling pretty glad he can’t talk right about now because god only knows what would have come out of his mouth in  the late 70’s early 80’s with that man behind the suit.

And once again another childhood hero is tainted


N 😛


I’m still alive – just busy 😛 lots of views on the porn post last week – loving it!

Article one for today: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/national/darwin-diner-mums-told-to-keep-their-legs-closed/story-e6frf7l6-1225896019614

Quick run down: A ‘famous’ restaurant owner in Darwin is in trouble (yet again) for yelling at women to ‘keep their legs closed’ or they’d end up like their friend (who came into the restaurant with a baby).

Wow – this guy has me reeling. Apparently he became famous earlier in the year for charging women $10 to wear a ‘thong’ in his restaurant.


Number 1: how on earth can he tell if they are wearing a thong or not? Does he have to inspect them before they sit down, is there a sign saying ‘you will be scanned for any racy underwear before entering our restaurant’?! Because I’d run screaming and yelling the other way if he tried to pull that on me. If any restaurant owner was staring at my ass for that matter I’d be slapping him in the face and demanding a free meal!

Number 2: It doesn’t seem like these women did anything to upset the owner. They booked in advance, they called to check it was okay if they brought a pram. And they get shouted at like they are a bunch of sluts just because one of their friends has a baby. Since when does having a baby mean you are a whore? How does he know she doesn’t have a nice white collar husband waiting at home?

Not only that but he went on to tell these women they had ‘saggy tits’ and ‘floppy c—s’ after one of them approached him about his behaviour towards them – WHOA, TOO FAR BUDDY! This guy sounds like he’s suffering from a serious broken heart or a serious lack of sex. Maybe his wife looks like this women:

Would serve him right if she did 😛

I don’t care if you own the best restaurant in the whole world, you have no right to scream obscenities at women just for having a freakin baby.

I certainly wouldn’t be eating in his restaurant anytime soon – if he treats his patrons that way god only knows what he does to the food!

Article two: http://apnews.myway.com/article/20100716/D9H0DFD00.html

Quick run down: A teacher from Pennsylvania is facing criminal charges after lying about having an inoperable brain tumour.

Naughty teacher. Not only did she lie about something extremely severe, but she used it to continuously take sick leave. Apparently she ‘forged papers saying she needed weeks of chemotherapy and would be unable to teach.’

It’s extremely sad that a TEACHER would use such an excuse to get time off work, especially since they get how ever many hundreds of weeks off a year and people like myself only get four weeks off a year, don’t even get my started on that!

That’s not even the point I want to make – what I was trying to get to is sick leave. At what point does a workplace get suspicious about doctor’s notes etc. I’ve been thinking that nowadays when I get a doctor’s certificate it is as simple as a letter – with hardly anything on it. It’d be so easy to scan it into your computer and change the dates whenever you felt like it. At what point is it okay to take a day or two off because you really just need some personal time – what do you do when you begin to like it and this stretches into many weeks out of the year?

And on that point, getting a medical certificate is so easy. You just go to the doctor and say *cough cough* I don’t feel so good, or I have such a bad headache. Can they really turn around to you and say ‘sorry I don’t think you are actually sick?’ Well no they couldn’t because then you’d be off to the next gullible doctor – and in the end they want their $60 for the 5 seconds they spend with you pretending to care that you are ‘unwell’.

Either way, my advice to this sad woman (who is now facing 12 counts of forgery), is if you really dislike your job or you are that depressed about your job – FIND A NEW ONE! If it is so bad that it is causing you to forge such a lie you obviously have some serious job issues going on.

The article actually says that this woman was suffering from depression. I’m sure if she’d gone to her doctor and said she was struggling he would have given her some stress leave if she really needed it.

It would have spared her the jail time anyway.

Just a thought.

N 🙂


Article for today: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/lifestyle/the-other-side/pakistan-no1-in-the-world-in-pornographic-internet-searches/story-e6frfhk6-1225891468986

Quick run down: Google has claimed that the country of Pakistan is number one for searching for porn on the internet.
Wow, this one is a mind blow.

Apparently Pakistan has ranked number one for searches such as “sex”, “camel sex”, “rape video” and “child sex video”. Anyone else feel slightly ill right now?!

The whole thing is bringing up the Islam issue. It’s against their religion and also apparently against their law (it is considered blasphemy?) and it can get them executed if they are caught. So some horny Pakistani’s are risking death just to watch some camel sex videos. They’re certainly game.

My issue with this article is the Herald’s Sun’s source is Fox News. After years of studying journalism and watching countless documentaries on how Fox News is bad I’m reluctant to trust anything I read/see that they have produced. They love to constantly put America in the good light and any enemies in a very bad light. That said the article quote’s Google as a reference, though I’m not always sure their stats are 100% accurate. Who am I to judge really?! Who says that any stats are accurate? It’d be very easy for a ‘stat checker’ to write down some random stats that make him laugh and hand it on to the big wigs of the company. That’d be an interesting investigation….. We are so gullible when it comes to believing results from surveys and anything people in science claim is a proven fact.

I’m getting off topic now. I’m extremely untrustworthy aren’t I?!

Anyway, this story just goes to show, the more you tell people they can’t have something, the more they want it. But if rape, camel’s and children are the number one hits there’s definitely something wrong with the men in this country. If it just said ‘sex’ as the number one hit I’d have a little chuckle at a law that is so strict on sex and feel slightly bad for the men of Pakistan. That said the way they treat their women and their values when it comes to marriage and sex……..well it doesn’t surprise me that rape is something they fantasise about. It doesn’t make my stomach feel any better though.

The camel aspect is a good laugh. I suppose a camel is Pakistan’s version of a ‘man’s best friend’. Although I find it hard to believe that Australia, America or England’s number one Google searches would be ‘dog sex’. Hmmmm………

In any case. If sex were a bit more free in a country like Pakistan, maybe they wouldn’t spend so much time fantasising about camel’s.

Just a thought 😛